Superman #129
Superman #129
Cover Credits
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Stan Kaye

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Title: "Clark Kent Fireman of Steel"
Pages: 7

Superman (of Earth-1)

Writer: Otto Binder
Artist: Al Plastino

Reprinted In:
Superman #197 (1967)
Showcase Presents Superman Vol. 1 TPB (2005)
Superman:The Man of Tomorrow Archives Vol. 2 HC (2006)

Feature Character(s)

Other Character(s)

  • Chief Hogan and some firemen (no further appearances)

Clark Kent has taken a job as a temporary fireman for a news story. Chief Hogan does not want Kent around and tries to get him to quit by placing Kent in danger. Clark still acts timid, but his powers as Superman save him. He is forced to protect his secret identity several times, but eventually the chief is forced to believe Kent leads a charmed life.

After completing his research, Clark writes his story. Chief Hogan is still annoyed at Kent when Superman rescues him from a ktichen fire in his own house.

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