Superman #143
Title: "Lois Lane's Lucky Day"
Pages: 8
Superman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: John Forte
Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents Superman Vol. 2 TPB (2006)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Clip Carson ( crooked carnival game owner; not to be confused with the Golden Age character of the same name; no further appearances)
- Carson's partners (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- The Mayor and several carnival goers (no further appearances)
Lois and Clark visit a carnival that is suspected of having rigged games. When they arrive, they witness a woman winning a game. Lois believes this proves the games to be fair, but Clark realizes she is a shill and works for the carnival.
Clark follows Lois around to each game and ensures that Lois wins each time with an assist from his powers. The carnival owner can’t understand how each of his rigged games keeps malfunctioning until Superman shows himself. Superman wins the rest of the prizes. The owner trys to escape, but is caught and arrested for his crooked carnival.
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