Title: "The Midsummer Snowstorm"
Pages: 13
Superman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: Jack Burnley
Reprinted From:
Action Comics #30 (1940)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Zolar and his female accomplice (pretends to be Laura Vogel; both die in this story; no further appearances)
- Zolar’s henchmen (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Carlton Vogel, Laura Vogel, and his expedition (archaeologist; all die in this story; no further appearances)
- Bob Calvert (a weather man; no further appearances)
George Taylor is still the editor of the Daily Planet in this story indicating it must occur chronologicially prior to the first story of Superman #7 where Perry White takes over.
This story was originally not titled.
When an out of season snow storm strikes Metropolis, Superman investigates and meets Laura Vogel who claims to have information. She is kidnapped by some arabs using a globe gun device which kills people, leaving only their shadows behind.
Meanwhile, Carlton Vogel, an archaeologist and Laura’s brother, approaches the lost city of Ulonda with his expedition. More arabs attack using globe weapons, killing Carlton and his men.
Superman finally catches up to the group that took Laura, but is knocked out by their weapon. He is captured, but learns that the man behind everything is Zolar. Superman frees himself and Laura, then tires to prevent Zolar from invading Ulonda. Superman is able to catch his foe, but Laura turns out to be an agent of Zolar, as the real Laura was killed sometime earlier. Laura uses the globe weapon on Superman, but it backfires, killing her and Zolar.