Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #41
Title: "The Super-Suitor of Soomar"
Pages: 8
Lois Lane (of Earth-1)
Artist: Kurt Schaffenberger
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Crystal Ganyrog (an alien reporter; no further appearances)
- Super-Male (Superhero of Soomar, aka Irn Brimba; no further appearances)
Lois travels to the planet Soomar in a spaceship meant to bring Superman to the world with a red sun. She meets a reporter named Crystal who spurns the love of Soomar’s resident superhero, Super-Male. Lois replaces Crystal while the latter visits the doctor. She unintentionally causes Super-Male to stop his advances on Crystal, but while Crystal is happy that Super-Male’s advances stop, she now finds herself attracted to him.
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