Superman #155
Title: "Superman Under the Green Sun"
Pages: 17
Superman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Edmond Hamilton
Artist: Wayne Boring
Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents Superman Vol. 3 TPB (2007)
Feature Character(s)
- Drago (an alien dictator; dies in this story; no further appearances)
- Drago's overseers (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Kall and Pera (a scientist and his daughter; no further appearances)
- The citizens of an alien planet (no further appearances)
Chap. 2: "The Blind Superman"
Superman visits an alien planet whose dictator, Drago, has caused the entire population to go blind. Drago uses a blue filter to alter the sunlight from yellow to green which removes Superman’s powers. Superman continues to fight Drago and free the enslaved population even without powers.
Drago captures Superman and causes the Man of Steel to go blind as well. Superman later escapes and finds a way to continue despite his lost vision. He destroys the filter and his powers return. Then he foils Drago’s plans to redesign the planet in his own image. Later when Superman returns to the planet, he finds that the citizens have changed the shape of the planet to resemble Superman’s face.
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