Cavalier Comics #2
Title: (Fang Gow of China Part 8)
Pages: 2
Barry O'Neill
Writer: Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson
Artist: Leo E. O'Mealia
Reprinted From:
More Fun #8 (1936)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
This story is printed in black and white.
The content of this reprint has been altered from its original form and split onto two pages.
Barry and Le Grand are paralyzed by a strange light originating from a statuette of Fang Gow. The ray stops when they agree to answer the gang leader's questions. Instead of cooperating Barry grabs an object an throws it at the statue. Fang Gow's men rush into the room, but Barry and Le Grand find a secret passage and try to make their escape.
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