Flash Omnibus Vol. 1 HC
Flash Omnibus Vol. 1 HC
Cover Credits
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Joe Kubert

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Title: "The Mystery of the Elongated Man"
Pages: 13

Flash (Barry Allen of Earth-1)

Writer: John Broome
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Joe Giella

Reprinted From:
Flash #112 (1960)

Feature Character(s)

Guest Star(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • The Veto Gang (no further appearances)

A new hero, the Elongated Man, is upstaging the Flash in Central City. Elongated Man is really Ralph Dibny. When Dibny was a child he was fascinated by an India rubber man. When Dibny reached adulthood, he set out to learn the secret behind the rubber men abilities. Dibny isolated an ingredient from Gingold, a soft drink, that he believed would give him stretching abilities. He also designed a costume that stretched with him.

Flash grows suspicious of the new hero when a series of robberies occur that point to the Elongated Man as the suspect. Flash arranges to guard a collection of Ming vases that he believes will be stolen. The vases are indeed stolen. Flash catches Dibny nearby, but Dibny explains that he was framed by the Veto gang. Together, Flash and Elongated Man defeat and capture the real crooks who committed the crimes with a helicopter. Flash and Dibny share honors as winners of the Man of the Year award.

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