Action Comics #353
Title: "The Cosmic Collectors"
Pages: 8
Supergirl (of Earth-1)
Writer: Otto Binder
Artist: Jim Mooney
Reprinted In:
Supergirl:The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 2 HC (2018)
Feature Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Joe Trent (A college student; no further appearances)
- Alice and Betty (Friends of Linda Danvers; no further appearances)
This story continues in the second story of Action Comics #354.
Linda Danvers takes a part time job a the school library where she discovers Joe Trent checking out several science books. When he returns the next day for more books, Linda becomes suspicious. She watches him take the books to an alien spacecraft.
The following day, Linda intercepts Joe and takes the books to the ship as Supergirl. Inside the ship she finds a group of disembodied brains that form the Living Library of Zorkia. They are traveling the universe absorbing knowledge to take back to their home planet.
The brains then want to use Supergirl in their living library. When she refuses, the brains stun her with Kryptonite. They then force her super brain to absorb all the stored knowledge and take her to their homeworld. Supergirl is then forced to serve as a living library for the people of Zorkia.
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