Action Comics #376
Title: "The Hated Girl of Steel"
Pages: 10
Supergirl (of Earth-1)
Writer: Leo Dorfman
Artist: Kurt Schaffenberger
Reprinted In:
Supergirl:The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 2 HC (2018)
Feature Character(s)
- The Rancors (an alien race; Tiras named; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Marla Alexander (last appearance in Action Comics #375; no further appearances)
- Dr. Stanton (an optical specialist; no further appearances)
- A group of reknowed scientists (no further appearances)
- Student and faculty of Stanthope College (no further appearances)
- The Technicon Wizards of Korkuk (no further appearances)
This story is continued from the second story of Action Comics #375.
Marla Alexander blames Supergirl for the loss of her eyesight after studying the Claw Nebula. The students of Stanhope turn against the Girl of Steel when she is unable to find a cure. As a result, Supergirl avoids a science conference held at the Science Center.
At the conference, Marla and the other scientists are abducted by aliens from Rancor. The aliens explain to Marla that they were responsible for her blindness. They then plan to download the knowledge in the scientists' brains into their computers. Supergirl, who was disguised as Marla, destroys their machine that would have turned the scientists into vegetables. Supergirl then returns the scientists to Earth and uses the Rancor technology to restore Marla's sight.
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