Title: (The Construction Racket)
Pages: 13
Superman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: Paul Cassidy
Reprinted From:
Superman #6 (1940)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Mr. Jackson (head of the Jackson Contruction Company; no further appearances)
- Mayor Hansen (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Sergeant Clancy, Sam Goetz, and several construction workers (no further appearances)
- Head of the Globe Construction Company and his wife (no further appearances)
Superman uses his microscopic vision for the first time.
This story was not originally titled.
When a department store collapses due to use of inferior building materials in its construction, Clark Kent visits the head of the constuction company, finding him murdered. Unable to turn up any evidence other than the fact that the killer was missing a finger, Clark and Lois visit the construction site of a new stadium. The guard harasses Clark, who complains to the head of the company. Learning that the company president, Mr. Jackson, is missing a finger, Clark suspects him of murder.
As Superman, Clark investigates the stadium, finding it inferior in construction as well. He also learns that the mayor is grafting from its constuction. The stadium opens and collapses as well. The Man of Tomorrow is forced to let Lois be injured in order to save some children. He rushes her to the hospital, then returns to force confessions from the men. When he returns to Lois, she requires a blood transfusion, so Clark pierces his own skin and allows his blood to be used to save her life.