Action Comics #392
Title: "The Shame of the Super-Son"
Pages: 11
Superman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Robert Kanigher
Penciller: Ross Andru
Inker: Michael Esposito
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Clark Kent, Jr. (imaginary appearance)
- Superman's wife (imaginary appearance)
- A criminal doll-maker and his men (imaginary appearance)
Guest Appearance(s)
- Batman (imaginary appearance)
- Batman, Jr. (imaginary appearance)
Other Character(s)
- Several Kandorian scientists (imaginary appearance)
- Two teenage girls (imaginary appearance)
This story is an imaginary story. The events depicted are not part of regular continuity.
This story is continued from Action Comics #391.
After robbing his son of super powers using Gold Kryptonite, Superman returns home in anguish over his decision. Superman, Jr. has difficulty adapting to his loss of powers at first. Eventually, he makes amends by saving his father's life when criminals ambush him with Kryptonite. Since Superman, Jr. is not affected by Kryptonite any more, he is able to rescue his father.
Superman then takes his son to the city of Kandor. Scientists there, provide Superman with special bracelets which transfer his powers to his son permanently. Junior then saves his father from an escaped creature from the interplanetary zoo. Superman then retires, and Junior carries on the family tradition.
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