Great Comic Book Super-Heroes SC
Great Comic Book Super-Heroes SC
Cover Credits
Artist: Joe Shuster

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Title: (Superman and the Dam)
Pages: 11

Superman (of Earth-2)

Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: Joe Shuster

Reprinted From:
Action Comics #5 (1938)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)

Clark once again works for the Daily Star in this story.

This story originally was not titled; the title shown here was given on a text page of Action Comics Archives Vol. 1 in which this story is summarized.

At the offices of the Daily Star, the editor learns of a breaking story by telegraph. Following torrential rain, the Valleyho Dam is in danger of cracking open, flooding the whole valley and killing thousands. Clark Kent is nowhere to be found. Lois Lane tries to get the assignment, but the editor thinks the story is too important for a girl. Insulted, Lois tracks Clark down and sends him on a wild-goose chase while she takes off for Valleyho. Realizing Lois’s game, but not before being fired by his hot-headed editor for flubbing an important scoop, Clark changes into Superman and reaches Valleyho before Lois. Despite Superman’s vast strength, he is unable to stop the dam from cracking, and an irresistible wave of water makes its way for Valleyho City. After saving Lois from being swept away from the flood, Superman causes an avalanche, diverting the deadly flood from Valleyho City. Superman then calls in the story as Clark Kent and regains his job at the Daily Star.

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