Wonder Woman:The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 1 HC

Title: "The Girl with the Gun"
Pages: 13
Wonder Woman (of Earth-2)
Writer: William Moulton Marston
Artist: Harry G. Peter
Reprinted From:
Sensation Comics #20 (1943)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Stoffer (a Nazi saboteur; disguised as General Scott; no further appearances)
- Stoffer's henchmen (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Marva Psycho (maiden name revealed as Marva Jane Gray; last appearance in Wonder Woman #5; next appearance in Wonder Woman #18)
- General Standpat and General Scott (Chief of Staff and a training camp commander; no further appearances)
Steve Trevor and Diana Prince search a WAAC training facility to locate a saboteur. One of the generals is shot, so Diana questions the WAACs. She discovers Marva Psycho has enlisted and is carrying a gun. She questions Marva, but the girl escapes. Marva then captures Wonder Woman with her own lasso and forces her to switch places.
Wonder Woman, now disguised as Marva, is brought in for questioning by General Scott. The real Marva is also brought in. Marva tells her story that she knows the saboteur and the shooter and points the finger at General Scott. Scott, really Stoffer a Nazi, then tries to silence Wonder Woman and Marva. Wonder Woman frees herself and exposes Stoffer. Finally, Marva is exonerated of the crimes.
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