Batman:The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 1 HC

Title: "The Case of the Honest Crook"
Pages: 13
Batman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Bill Finger
Penciller: Bob Kane
Inker: Jerry Robinson
Reprinted From:
Batman #5 (1941)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Matty Link (a hood; dies in this story; no further appearances)
- Smiley Sikes and his mob (gangsters; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Joe Sands and Ann Davis (a young couple; no further appearances)
- An unnamed doctor and a shopkeeper (no further appearances)
Batman stops a small-time thief, Joe Sands and learns that Joe was framed from a drunk driving accident by a gangster, Matty Link. Batman confronts Matty’s boss, Smiley Sikes, to get information about the case. Sikes kills Link to make sure the hood doesn’t talk, so Batman sends Robin to gather evidence.
Sikes’ mob catch Robin and beat him almost to death. An angered Batman, breaks up the mob surviving three gunshot wounds in the process. Sands is cleared and both members of the Dynamic Duo survive thanks to a friendly doctor.
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