Batman:The Golden Age Vol. 3 TPB
Title: "Case of the Costume-Clad Killers"
Pages: 13
Batman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Jack Schiff
Penciller: Bob Kane
Inker: Jerry Robinson
Reprinted From:
Detective Comics #60 (1942)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
The Bat-Signal is used for the first time in this story.
Gotham is struck by a series of robberies in which the crooks are costumed in police and fireman uniforms. Batman suspects the Joker is behind the crimes, and he is proved correct when the Joker leaves a clue for his foe.
The Dynamic Duo is unable to track the Joker, until Batman plants a trap for him aboard a ship. Robin is thrown overboard during the scuffle and believed dead. Batman is tied up, but he escapes and follows Joker to his hide-out. Robin has survived too and united again, the Dynamic Duo finish off the villain.
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