Superman:The Golden Age Vol. 3 TPB
Superman:The Golden Age Vol. 3 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Michael Cho

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Title: "The Gambling Racket in Metropolis"
Pages: 13

Superman (of Earth-2)

Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: Jack Burnley

Reprinted From:
Action Comics #32 (1941)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Preston and his men (gambling racketeers; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • A suicidal man, the Mayor, the Mayor’s son, and a doctor (no further appearances)

Superman creates the Krypto Ray-Gun; a device which takes pictures, then can project them onto a wall. This item was also sold as a toy.

Lois learns Superman’s secret identity, but she forgets it due to the influence of Preston’s drug.

This story was not originally titled.

After saving a man from a suicide attempt, Superman, as Clark Kent, confronts the Mayor about the Preston Club which is a gambling den. When they arrive, the evidence is hidden from view, leaving Preston free from charges.

Lois goes undercover to get into the club and gather evidence. When the owner learns she is a reporter, she is forced to drink poison which leaves her a zombie. In her zombie state, Lois sees Superman change into Clark Kent. Only by using mental hypnosis is Superman able to cure Lois. Fortunately though, she recalls nothing that happened while drugged.

Superman then smashes the gambling ring and uses the Krypto Ray-Gun to gather evidence. The Mayor was involved as well because his son was turned into a zombie by Preston. Superman cures the boy, and brings the guilty parties to justice.

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