Doom Patrol Book One TPB
Doom Patrol Book One TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Brian J. Bolland

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Title: "Cautionary Tales"
Pages: 22

Doom Patrol (Post-Crisis)

Writer: Grant Morrison
Penciller: Richard Case
Inker: Scott Hanna
Letterer: John E. Workman, Jr.
Colorist: Michele Wolfman

Reprinted From:
Doom Patrol #20 (1989)

Feature Character(s)


Guest Appearance(s)

Other Character(s)

  • Ralph (dies in this story; last appearance in Doom Patrol #19; no further appearances)
  • Father McGarry (dies in this story; no further appearances)
  • Stuart and his father (Stuart dies in this story; no further appearances)
  • Two unnamed doctors (one dies in this story; no further appearances)
  • A subway passenger (no further appearances)

Crawling from the Wreckage Part 2 of 4

This story is continued in part from Doom Patrol #19 and continues in Doom Patrol #21.

The Chief and Joshua Clay visit Larry Trainor in the hospital. Trainor and Eleanor Poole have merged into a new entity called Rebis. The Chief invites Rebis to join the Doom Patrol.

At a mental hospital, Robotman meets with Will Magnus who offers to build him a better robot body. He the visits Crazy Jane who manifests multiple personalities. After the disturbing death of one of the patients in the hospital Cliff returns to his room.

Robotman soon hears Jane in the hallway. He goes to find her covered in blood. She is being attacked by scissormen who seem to have the ability to cut reality. Jane teleports Robotman to the hospital courtyard where he sees several outlines of people that have been cut out of reality. Meanwhile, around the world strange events are happening.

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