Superman #226

Title: "When Superman Was King Kong"
Pages: 13
Superman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Leo Dorfman
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: George Roussos
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Guest Appearance(s)
Other Character(s)
- Various soldiers (no further appearances)
While attending a screening of King Kong, Clark buys boxes of cracker jacks for Lois and Jimmy. The prize in one of the boxes is a piece of Red Kryptonite. When Clark realizes that he was exposed, he exits the theater and becomes Superman.
Influenced by the movie, Superman suddenly grows to gigantic size and takes on beast-like behavior. He grabs Lois and climbs the tallest building. The police and several soldiers try to stop him. Eventually, Superman is knocked off the building.
Lois is brought to the Pentagon for her advice in stopping Superman. The Man of Steel follows her and begins regaining his senses. He uses the Washington Monument as a pencil to carve out a message which Jimmy Olsen sees. The army captures Superman with Kryptonite, but Jimmy releases him. Superman then returns to normal size. To protect his secret identity he briefly uses Titano as a stand-in to fool his friends. Superman then returns Titano to the planet of giants.
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