Superman #244
Title: "The Lady or the Tiger-Man"
Pages: 6
Captain Comet (of Earth-1)
Writer: John Broome
Artist: Murphy Anderson
Reprinted From:
Strange Adventures #34 (1953)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- A Tiger-Man (a dictator; dies in this story; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Esklon (a puppet leader; no further appearances)
- Rana (Esklon's sister; no further appearances)
Captain Comet discovers a new planet upon which the population is controlled by Esklon, a dictator with mental powers. Esklon challenges Captain Comet forcing him to make a choice between two doors. If he chooses the wrong one he will die, if he chooses correctly he will live.
Behind the doors are a girl and a Tiger-Man. Captain Comet opens the door with the Tiger-Man and is attacked. During the fight, Esklon shoots the Tiger-Man. Esklon then explains that the Tiger-Man was the real dictator, and that he was only a puppet. The fight with Captain Comet allowed Esklon to break the Tiger-Man's influence and kill his master.
After a bomb is deactivated from the second door, the girl inside is released. She is Rana, Esklon's sister who returns to Earth with Captain Comet.
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