Adventure Comics #389
Adventure Comics #389
Cover Credits
Artist: Murphy Anderson

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Title: "Supergirl's Jilted Boy Friends"
Pages: 13

Supergirl (of Earth-1)

Writer: Cary Bates
Artist: Kurt Schaffenberger

Feature Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • Two Stanhope students (no further appearances)

Cameo Appearance(s)

  • A Kimor robot (in flashback)

This story is continued from the second story of Adventure Comics #388.

Brainiac has sent a robot based on space criminal Kimor Dinn to Earth. Unknown to Brainiac Kimor replaced the robot and is the real thing. Using his amazing charisma, Kim is able to get Supergirl to fall in love with him. Despite his terrible behavior, Supergirl continues to chase after him.

Supergirl eventually discovers that Kim is in league with Brainiac. She takes him to a secret burial ground in space hidden inside a fake space dragon. She then proceeds to turn him into stone.

Brainiac appears. He has discovered that Kimor is not his robot, because he did not speak his programmed dialogue when meeting with Supergirl. Brainiac intended to set off a bomb, destroying his robot. He would make Supergirl feel responsible for the boy's death. Instead, Brainiac covers Supergirl in liquid Kryptonite, then escapes.

Supergirl frees Kim from his encasement in stone. She intended it to be temporary anyway to teach him a lesson. She takes the bomb Brainiac left behind and detonates it. The bomb destroys the Kryptonite. She then takes Kim to a rehabilitation facility on Earth.

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