Strange Adventures #49
Title: "The Revolt of the Thinking Machine"
Pages: 6
Captain Comet (of Earth-1)
Writer: John Broome
Artist: Sy Barry
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- A race of alien invaders (Wengdor and Elgni named; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- A robot thinking machine (destroyed in this story; no further appearances)
This is the final Captain Comet solo story in Strange Adventures.
A thinking machine at a university goes out of control and locks out its human operators. Captain Comet breaks into the room with the machine and discovers that it is building a cobalt bomb. Captain Comet stops the machine, but before it is completely inert, the machine gives him an explanation.
The thinking machine had detected a race of aliens preparing to invade Earth. It was building the bomb to use against them. Without the bomb, Captain Comet must locate the invaders and learn their single weakness. He discovers that the creatures are primarily made of salt and are soluable in water. To stop them Captain Comet diverts the waters at a nearby dam and floods the area. The aliens immediately leave Earth and never return.
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