Legends of the Dark Knight:Norm Breyfogle Vol. 2 HC
Title: "Bird of Ill Omen"
Pages: 22
Batman (Post-Crisis)
Writer: Alan Grant
Penciller: Norm Breyfogle
Inker: Steve Mitchell
Letterer: Todd Klein
Colorist: Adrienne Roy
Reprinted From:
Detective Comics #611 (1990)
Feature Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Bub Vince (dies in this story; last appearance in Detective Comics #610; no further appearances)
- Matt Harmon (a news anchor; no further appearances)
- Clancy and his partner (cops; no further appearances)
Snow and Ice, Part Two
This story is continued from Detective Comics #610.
The Penguin's men break Kadaver out of prison. Kadaver then uses a code word to revive the Penguin. Penguin tries to double-cross his new partner, but Kadaver demonstrates that he can put the other back into a trance with a word. The two criminals then grudgingly begin working together. First they rob a drug shipment involving the gang's of Scarface and Rafael Santini. Next they rob a jewelry show, and finally a bank.
The Penguin stuffs his ears with paper. Without being able to hear, the Penguin can't be put back into a trance. He then shoots Kadaver. As he leaves the bank, Batman is waiting for him. He catches the Penguin and returns him to police custody.
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