Flash:The Silver Age Vol. 4 TPB
Flash:The Silver Age Vol. 4 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Evan Shaner

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Title: "The Day Flash Went into Orbit"
Pages: 12

Flash (Barry Allen of Earth-1)

Writer: John Broome
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Murphy Anderson

Reprinted From:
Flash #148 (1964)

Feature Character(s)


Captain Boomerang returns to action after his release from prison. However, each time he attempts a robbery, he finds the loot has already been stolen and a message is left behind to taunt him.

The crimes are the work of the Crooked Four lead by Captain Boomerang's old cellmate Fanning. Fanning uses hypnosis to give Boomerang suggestions for crimes while sleeping. Then Fanning pulls the job before Boomerang arrives.

When the Crooked Four strike again Flash is on hand to battle them. An accident knocks out the Flash, but when Captain Boomerang arrives, he inadvertently saves his foe. The Crooked Four and Boomerang then escape.

Fanning decides it is time to set up Boomerang again. This time he tips off police to the crime, he has hypnotically suggested to Boomerang. Flash and the police arrive while the Crooked Four watch. Flash sees them and apprehends them, then pursues Boomerang.

Captain Boomerang foils the Flash with a trick boomerang that sends Flash hurtling into space. Flash is stuck to the boomerang, but manages to pull himself free before reaching orbit. Flash then returns to Central City and returns Boomerang to prison.

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