Adventure Comics #429
Title: "Challenge to the Black Orchid"
Pages: 15
Black Orchid (of Earth-1)
Writer: Sheldon Mayer
Artist: Tony DeZuniga
Feature Character(s)
- Barry De Morte and his men (Ferd named; no further appearances)
- Mala Miles (Barry's partner; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Sam Hendricks (a ship's master; no further appearances)
- Daphne Wingate and Cindy Harper (a scientist and a yoga master; no further appearances)
- Several unnamed sailors (no further appearances)
The Black Orchid prevents a sniper from shooting playboy Barry De Morte. She then rescues the shooter, Sam Hendricks, from De Morte's bodyguards. Hendricks was a former ship's master who lost his job after De Morte robbed his ship. The Black Orchid knows about the robbery and challenges the thief to turn himself in to the authorities.
De Morte instead moves ahead with his plans for another robbery. He suspects that the Black Orchid is someone who knows him, so he invites two suspects to a party. He then watches them while he and his partner Mala Miles setup the robbery of another cargo ship. However, the Black Orchid has disguised herself as Mala and lures De Morte into the hands of the authorities. Hendricks is then cleared of the charges against him, and the real crooks are apprehended.
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