Teen Titans:The Silver Age Vol. 2 TPB

Title: "The Dimensional Caper"
Pages: 24
Teen Titans (of Earth-1)
Writer: Bob Haney
Artist: Nicholas Peter Cardy
Reprinted From:
Teen Titans #16 (1968)
Feature Character(s)
- Aliens from Dimension X (next appearance in Teen Titans #20)
- Principal Downs (principal of Hillsdale High School; Leader One of the Dimension X aliens; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Chet Walters (a Hillsdale High School student; no further appearances)
- Mr. Walters, Mr. Farnum, and Sally (Chet's father, Chet's physic teacher, and Chet's girlfriend; no further appearances)
- The students and faculty of Hillsdale High School (Eddie and Marcia named; no further appearances)
Teenager Chet Walters becomes the town laughingstock when he tells his story of being kidnapped into another dimension. When the Teen Titans investigate, however, they discover that Hillsdale High actually is the secret base for an alien takeover, and that the school principal is one of the extradimensional alien leaders. Entering "Dimension X", they rescue Chet and his fellow students from being trapped in the alternate reality and being replaced by duplicates. Kid Flash then uses his vibrational powers to sever the link between the Hillsdale High of Earth and that of Dimension X.
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