Adventure Comics #76
Title: "The Legend of the Silent Bear"
Pages: 9
Manhunter (Paul Kirk)
Writer/Penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker: Joe Simon
Reprinted In:
New Gods #7 (1972)
Feature Character(s)
- Harry Raspp and his two partners (thieves; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- George (a friend of Paul Kirk’s; no further appearances)
- Timmy and Tommy (his twin sons; no further appearances)
- Jimmy Jones (a boy scout; no further appearances)
- Ben Raspp (a recluse; dies in this story; no further appearances)
While on a weekend retreat, Paul Kirk discovers a murder. When he confronts the killers, he is blinded by a gunshot. With the help of a boy scout, Manhunter tracks the killers to their hideout and captures them, learning the murdered man was the killer’s uncle.
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