Adventure Comics #77
Title: "Finder's Keepers"
Pages: 11
Starman (Ted Knight of Earth-2)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Jack Burnley
Reprinted In:
Wanted, the World's Most Dangerous Villains #6 (1973)
Golden Age Starman Archives Vol. 2 HC (2009)
DC's Wanted:The World's Most Dangerous Super-Villains HC (2020)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Honey Jenkins and Hubert Corwin (an honest citizen and a bank teller; no further appearances)
The Mist escapes jail by using his inviso-solution on the jail cell and himself. He then enacts a plan to hypnotize people with valuable objects left in the street for them to find. Each hypnotized person then steals for the Mist.
Starman learns that Honey Jenkins returned an item to the police, so he pays her a visit. The Mist also visits Honey to prevent the exposure of his plan. Starman captures some of the Mist’s gang and learns the location of their hide-out. Then he assaults the base and captures his foe.
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