Adventure Comics #84

Title: "The Doom from the Skies"
Pages: 8
Starman (Ted Knight of Earth-2)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Emil Gershwin
Reprinted In:
Golden Age Starman Archives Vol. 2 HC (2009)
Feature Character(s)
- Slim Jordan and Ratsy (no further appearances)
- Various gang members (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Several scientists (die in this story; no further appearances)
- A farmer (no further appearances)
A powerful new telescope is unveiled at an observatory at Palomine. When it is used for the first time a powerful death ray from the stars strikes the mirror and kills all the scientists. Fearing instant death, the area around the observatory is avoided by everyone except Starman. When he investigates, he is struck by the beam and knocked out. He is found by a farmer, but has amnesia.
The death ray is not actually originating from the stars. Slick Jordan, a gangster, has stolen one of Starman's gravity rods and is using it to generate the beam. With the observatory off limits, he begins using it as an underworld hide-out.
Starman eventually recovers his memories. He realizes that the crooks are using the observatory and that the death ray from the sky is fake. He defeats the crooks and regains possession of the stolen rod. He then installs a new safe in his home to prevent any future thefts.
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