Cover Credits |
Penciller: Arthur Adams Inker: Dick Giordano |
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Comic Title: Action Comics Annual #1
Publisher: DC
(DC Comics Inc.)
Address: 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY
Cover Date: 1987
On Sale Date:
July 7, 1987 Newsstand Date July 7, 1987
Source: DC Releases, #41
Newsstand Date July 7, 1987
Source: Amazing Heroes, #120
Shipping Date June 16, 1987
Source: DC Releases, #41
Shipping Date June 16, 1987
Source: Amazing Heroes, #120
Shipping Date June 16, 1987
Source: Focus, #1, Page BC
Shipping Date June 16, 1987
Source: Capital City Distributors, Orderpack June 1987
Copyright Date June 16, 1987
Source: Library of Congress, Copyright Office 1987
DC publication dates beyond April 1981 listed by the LoC
represent shipping dates NOT newsstand sale dates
Frequency: Monthly
Cover Price: $1.25
Page Count: 48
Editor: Mike Carlin
Story |
Title: "Skeeter"
Pages: 39
Superman (Post-Crisis)
Batman (Post-Crisis)
Writer: John L. Byrne
Penciller: Arthur Adams
Inker: Dick Giordano
Letterer: Albert Tobias De Guzman
Colorist: Petra Scotese (Goldberg)
Reprinted In:
Superman:The Man of Steel Vol. 6 TPB (2008)
Superman:Dark Knight Over Metropolis TPB (2013)
Superman:The Man of Steel Vol. 3 HC (2021)
Feature Character(s)
- Superman (last appearance in Action Comics #593; next appearance in Superman #10)
- Batman (last appearance in Vigilante #47; next appearance in Batman #412)
Supporting Character(s)
- Commissioner Gordon (last appearance in Vigilante #44; next appearance in Batman #412)
- Skeeter (aka Elly Mae Skaggs; dies in this story; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- The townspeople of Fayerville (Clovis and Donnie named; no further appearances)
- Ms. Carson (dies in this story; no further appearances)
- Skeeter's parents (corpses; no further appearances)
- A Daily Planet office boy (no further appearances)
Batman traces a series of vampire attacks in Gotham City to Fayerville, South Carolina. After he is attacked by the townspeople, he places a call to Superman for aid. Batman then meets Skeeter, a young girl who needs help with her parents. She leads Batman into the swamp where he finds her parents long dead. She then reveals herself as a vampire and attacks him. Batman falls into a pit of quicksand and sinks.
Meanwhile, Superman reaches Fayerville and contacts the local sheriff. He learns of the vampire attacks and sees several victims who are kept under guard. The victims escape and begins destroying the town under the control of the vampire, Skeeter. Superman corrals the people, then confronts Skeeter. She is able to cut him with her claws and cloud his mind with magic. Just as Superman is about to become her latest victim, Batman surprises her from behind and kills Skeeter with a stake through the chest.
With the vampire dead, Batman returns to Gotham and places stakes in the vampire's victims to prevent them from rising from the dead.
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