Adventure Comics #98
Title: "Twin Stars of Crime"
Pages: 8
Starman (Ted Knight of Earth-2)
Writer: Joe Samachson
Artist: Emil Gershwin
Reprinted In:
Golden Age Starman Archives Vol. 2 HC (2009)
Feature Character(s)
- Ernie and his gang (Turtleneck named; no further appearances)
- Bigfoot Barnes and his gang (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- A security guard and guard dog (no further appearances)
- Professor Magnus (an astronomer; no further appearances)
Starman battles a gang trying to rob a jewelry store. The crooks escape, but they leave clues which lead Starman to Ernie's gang. When he finds Ernie, Starman realizes that his gang were not involved in the robbery despite the clues. He deduces that another gang is setting up Ernie.
Ernie and his gang are not happy that they are being used as fall guys for a rival gang. They track down the other crooks and plan to set them up. Starman finds both gangs first and apprehends them both.
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