Marvel Masterworks Vol. 1:Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 HC
Marvel Masterworks Vol. 1:Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 HC
Cover Credits
Penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker: Steve J. Ditko

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Title: "Spider-Man Vs. the Chameleon"
Pages: 10


Writer: Stan Lee
Artist: Steve J. Ditko
Letterer: Jon D'Agostino

Reprinted From:
Amazing Spider-Man #1 (1963)

Feature Character(s)

Guest Star(s)


Other Character(s)

  • Professor Newton (no further appearances)
  • An unnamed janitor and an elevator operator (no further appearances)

Peter's last name is mistakenly given as Palmer in this story.

Spider-Man's spider senses are depicted for the first time in this story.

Spider-Man attempts to join the Fantastic Four in order to earn money. When he infiltrates the headquarters of the team, the other heroes misconstrue his motives and attack. Eventually, the fight ends. Spider-Man is then disappointed to learn that the Fantastic Four do not earn salaries, so he departs.

Meanwhile, a master of disguise named the Chameleon schemes to steal missile defense plans and sell them to the communists. He uses Spider-Man as a patsy, setting him up to take the fall, while he escapes in a helicopter. Spider-Man chases the Chameleon and catches him before he can deliver the stolen plans. Spider-Man brings back the spy, but the authorities are duped. They try to take Spider-Man into custody instead. Eventually, Spider-Man flees, and the real villain is caught be police.

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