All-American Comics #101

Title: "The Ship That Sailed the Hills"
Pages: 6
Black Pirate (of Earth-1)
Artist: Howard Purcell
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Captain Craw and his crew (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Several villagers (Tom named; no further appearances)
This story takes place in 17th Century England.
The Black Pirate and his son patrol the English seacoast following reports from terrified villagers about pirate raids. Jon Valor spots a pirate ship sailing on land which attacks a village from the outside direction than expected. While the villagers flee, Jon and his son board the ship and are captured by the pirates.
After the pirates raid the first village, they attack another. This time the villagers fight back. During the fight, the Black Pirate and his son are freed and help stop the pirate raiders. Once the pirates are defeated, Jon learns the secret of the pirate land-ship. Inside the hold are horses running on treadmills that propel the ship across the ground.
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