Batman:The Dark Knight Detective Vol. 5 TPB
Batman:The Dark Knight Detective Vol. 5 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Norm Breyfogle

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Title: "Cats"
Pages: 22

Batman (Post-Crisis)

Writer: Alan Grant
Penciller: Norm Breyfogle
Inker: Steve Mitchell
Letterer: Todd Klein
Colorist: Adrienne Roy

Reprinted From:
Detective Comics #612 (1990)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Catman (last appearance in Manhunter #13; no further appearances)
  • Catwoman (last appearance in Action Comics Weekly #614; no further appearances)
  • Cisco and his friend (purse-snatchers; no further appearances)
  • Corky and T.C. (cat thieves; no further appearances)
  • A cat burglar (no further appearances)
  • Rasputin (a Siberian tiger; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Sara Dulman (a reporter; no further appearances)
  • An elderly woman (no further appearances)
  • Andy Webber (a reporter; no further appearances)

After stopping two purse snatchers in Robinson Park, Batman discovers a body which was mauled by an animal. Batman and the police begin hunting the animal. Reporter Sara Dulman publicly places the blame on Catwoman. The real culprit is Rasputin, a Siberian tiger which escaped from Thomas Blake, the Catman.

Batman and Catman both find the tiger. When Batman is briefly knocked out, Blake ties him up and lets his tiger attack. Meanwhile, Catwoman finds them and chases off Blake. Batman then defeats the tiger. Catwoman then scares the reporter who blamed her for the incident.

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