Our Army at War #199
Our Army at War #199
Cover Credits
Artist: Joe Kubert

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Title: "Nazi Ghost-Wolf"
Pages: 12

Sgt. Rock (of Earth-1)

Writer: Robert Kanigher
Artist: Joe Kubert

Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents:Sgt. Rock Vol. 4 TPB (2013)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Various Nazi soldiers (no further appearances)

Easy Company must assault a castle that is a Nazi stronghold. They hear ghostly wolf howls in the night which make them uneasy. Rock sends Little Sure Shot and Bulldozer ahead as scouts, but they do not return. The rest of Easy then storms the castle. After they win the battle, Rock finds the missing soldiers. Bulldozer has also found a stuffed wolf with a megaphone which the Nazis were using as a scare tactic.

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