Sensation Comics #4
Title: (Smashing the Supply Train)
Pages: 13
Gay Ghost
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Howard Purcell
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- General Rourke (no further appearances)
- A council of ancestors (no further appearances)
- Tommy and Philip Langdon (an English pilot and intelligence officer; no further appearances)
- Various English soldiers (no further appearances)
This story was not originally titled.
The Gay Ghost is contacted by the ghosts of his ancestors and told to help England against the Nazis. The ghost flies to England and joins a mission to stop a German supply train. When weather slows the advance of the mission, the Gay Ghost goes it alone. He destroys the train and rescues a group of English soldiers who were sent to destroy it.
The Gay Ghost then learns of a captured intelligence officer. The ghost locates the officer and defeats several German units before bringing the Englishman home.
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