Swamp Thing #21

Title: "Requiem"
Pages: 18
Swamp Thing (of Earth-1)
Writer: David Michelinie
Artist: Nestor P. Redondo
Letterer: Marcos Pelayo
Colorist: Tatjana Wood
Reprinted In:
Swamp Thing:The Bronze Age Omnibus HC (2017)
Swamp Thing:The Bronze Age Vol. 2 TPB (2020)
Feature Character(s)
- Solus (an alien in exile; dies in this story; no further appearances)
- Kolom and Jettak (beasts under the control of Solus; both die in this story; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Cellanth (a captive of Solus; dies in this story; no further appearances)
- Captives of Solus (Krell named; some die in this story; no further appearances)
Swamp Thing is the victim of an alien abduction. He is captured by Solus for display in his menagerie which contains specimens from all across the universe. Solus was sentenced to drift alone in the void aboard a floating platform. He now uses the creatures in his menagerie as playthings. However, the creatures including Swamp Thing band together and rebel. Solus is defeated, but Swamp Thing offers him a hand in compassion. Solus rejects the hand and attempts to regain his mastery. It ultimately fails, as the touch of Swamp Thing's soil-like flesh triggers self-destruct nodules which kill the alien. Swamp Thing and the other surviving creatures use the teleporter to return home.
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