Title: (The Sinister Plot of Professor Casper)
Pages: 13
Green Lantern (Alan Scott of Earth-2)
Writer: Bill Finger
Artist: Mart Nodell
Reprinted In:
Golden Age Green Lantern Archives Vol. 2 HC (2002)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Professor Caspar and his men (Nazi agents; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Fog Blake and Ellen (a pilot and his fiancee; no further appearances)
- Professor Blau, Professor Vogt, and Professor Steinholtz (no further appearances)
This story was not originally titled.
Alan Scott meets Fog Blake, a pilot whose plane crashed with several of America’s leading scientists aboard. Alan investigates the crash, for which Blake has been blamed. The trail leads to Professor Caspar, whose men are using sound weapons for crime.
Green Lantern and Doiby fight Caspar and his men. They are defeated when wood is used to knock out GL. Then Doiby and Blake are taken to a secret facility where the missing scientists are being forced to work for Caspar and his Nazi agents.
Green Lantern follows them, but is once again knocked out. Doiby is hypnotized and ordered to kill GL. However, the spell does not hold, and Doiby refuses. Green Lantern recovers, then defeats Caspar and his men.