Detective Comics #43
Title: "The Case of the City of Terror"
Pages: 13
Batman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Bill Finger
Penciller: Bob Kane
Inker: Jerry Robinson
Reprinted In:
Batman Archives Vol. 1 HC (1990)
Batman Chronicles Vol. 2 TPB (2006)
Batman:The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 1 HC (2016)
Batman:The Golden Age Vol. 1 TPB (2016)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Mayor Greer (a corrupt public official; no further appearances)
- Bugs Norton and his henchmen (Blackie named; racketeers; no further appearances)
- Several corrupt policemen (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Mr. Carter and several townspeople (no further appearances)
Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson travel across country and find a town run by a racketeer, Bugs Norton, and a corrupt mayor, Greer. Batman disrupts Norton’s operations and organizes the citizens against him. The citizens oust the mayor, and Batman puts an end to the corrupt regime.
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