Atom Archives Vol. 2 HC
Atom Archives Vol. 2 HC
Cover Credits
Artist: Gil Kane

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Title: "I Accuse Ray Palmer -- of Robbery"
Pages: 10

Atom (Ray Palmer of Earth-1)

Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Murphy Anderson

Reprinted From:
Atom #13 (1964)

Feature Character(s)


  • Billy the Wheel, Chuck, and an unnamed thief (no further appearances)
  • Fred Norton (a fence; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • An unnamed receptionist and a police officer (no further appearances)

Ray Palmer attends an exibit of rare coins. The coins are stolen by two thieves, so Ray chases after them. Though he apprehends the two thieves, their getaway driver escapes with the coins. Atom gives a description of the man to the police. His appearance is similar to Ray Palmer, and a receptionist identifies Palmer as on the scene, so Ray is accused of the crime.

Atom tricks the two crooks in custody into revealing the name of their partner. Atom then tracks down the thief and the fence whom he intends to sell the coins to. After capturing the thieves, Palmer is cleared of the crime.

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