Title: "The Menace of Xnon"
Pages: 10
Spectre (of Earth-2)
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: Bernard Baily
Reprinted From:
More Fun Comics #60 (1940)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Xnon (an extra-dimensional tyrant; no further appearances)
- Bill and Jack (gangsters; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Various train guards (no further appearances)
The Spectre is given the Ring of Life in this story.
This story was not originally titled; the title shown here was given on the contents page of the Golden Age Spectre Archives Vol. 1 in which this story is reprinted.
When a train full of gold disappears, the Spectre is seen by several witnesses. Jim Corrigan is assigned to investigate the disappearance, though he knows the Spectre is not responsible. While trailing two crooks, the Spectre follows them through a dimension portal where he meets Xnon, a tyrant using super-science.
Xnon's powers prove too much for the Spectre. The tyrant places Spectre under his command and sends back to Earth on an errand of mass murder. Spectre is halted by the Voice responsible for his transformation into the Ghostly Guardian. The Voice gives Spectre a talisman called the Ring of Life which breaks the spell of Xnon.
Spectre then returns to confront Xnon. With the Ring of Life in his possession, the Spectre overcomes his opponent and returns the missing train to Earth. The police however are not convinced that the Spectre is not a crook, so Jim Corrigan is assigned to apprehend his other self.