Supergirl Archives Vol. 2 HC

Title: "Ma and Pa Kent Adopt Supergirl"
Pages: 13
Supergirl (of Earth-1)
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: Jim Mooney
Reprinted From:
Action Comics #275 (1961)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Guest Appearance(s)
Other Character(s)
- Squawky (dream appearance)
- Bob Benson (dream appearance)
Cameo Appearance(s)
- Jor-El (appear only in Supergirl’s dream)
- Lara (appear only in Supergirl’s dream)
Regretting that she has no foster family, Supergirl dreams that she came to Earth in Jor-El's rocket instead of her cousin. She is adopted by the Kent’s and begins her public career as Supergirl. However, in her dream, Lex Luthor never turns bad and is her best friend. As Linda Kent, she has a crush on a boy named Bob Benson. Bob does not pay any attention to her, but instead to Lana Lang. Instead of Krypto, the super dog, Supergirl has a pet bird named Squawky. Luthor learns Supergirl’s secret identity and tells Bob who then pretends to like Linda. Linda sees his change of heart was only because of what he suspected, so she dumps him and awakens from her dream.
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