Adventure Comics #46
Title: "The Sandman Meets with Murder"
Pages: 10
Sandman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Ogden Whitney
Reprinted In:
Golden Age Sandman Archives Vol. 1 HC (2004)
Feature Character(s)
- The Coin (Dudley Jones; a killer; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Charley Hall and Dora (his wife; both die in this story; no further appearances)
- Nora Luftus (Dora's twin sister; no further appearances)
When Wesley Dodds pays a visit to his old college friend Charley Hall, he discovers blood under the door. Wes returns to the scene as the Sandman where he finds Charley and his wife murdered. He encounters another woman resembling Charley's wife and follows her. The girl makes a stop at a cigar store, then the Sandman nabs her.
The girl explains that she is the twin sister of Charley's wife Dora. A criminal called the coin was using Charley's artistic skill to help make counterfeit currency. Dora was trying to get Charley to become legitimate, so the Coin had them killed. Using information supplied by the sister, the Sandman locates the Coin and apprehends him. The villain is then revealed as another of Wes's college friends Dudley Jones.
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