Action Comics Weekly #601
Title: "The Section Chief"
Pages: 8
Deadman (Post-Crisis)
Writer: Mike Baron
Penciller: Dan Jurgens
Inker: Tony DeZuniga
Letterer: Steve Haynie
Colorist: Liz Berube
Feature Character(s)
Other Character(s)
This story continues in Action Comics Weekly #602.
Deadman boards a CIA plane carrying weapons bound for Central America. He learns that the guns are part of a black ops trade for drugs, which the CIA are taking back to America. On the return trip, Deadman takes control of the pilot's body and radios the Coast Guard to pick up the plane now carrying the drugs.
Deadman then returns to Central America where he tracks down the CIA section chief Major Kasaba inside a Mayan temple which is being used as a command post. When Deadman enters the temple, Major Kasaba can see him in his spirit form where he is normally invisible to human perception.
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