Detective Comics #594
Title: "Ecstasy"
Pages: 22
Batman (Post-Crisis)
Writer: Alan Grant
Writer: John Wagner
Artist: Norm Breyfogle
Letterer: Todd Klein
Colorist: Adrienne Roy
Reprinted In:
Legends of the Dark Knight:Norm Breyfogle Vol. 1 HC (2015)
Batman:The Dark Knight Detective Vol. 3 TPB (2020)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Ed Hallen (a currency trader; dies in this story; no further appearances)
- Douglas (a stockbroker; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Joe Potato (a private eye; no further appearances)
- A street gang (die in this story; no further appearances)
- Diller (a doorman; no further appearances)
- Several stockbrokers (no further appearances)
Ed Hallen, a currency trader, is given ecstasy by one of his co-workers. The drug causes him to become mentally unstable. He tries to run down a gang of street kids with his car, but Batman stops him. Ed gives the kids his car which contains a bomb which he then detonates.
Batman chases Ed around the city. Also on Ed's trail is private eye Joe Potato, who was hired to find Hallen. Ed heads to his office with another bomb. Batman and Joe lock him in the vault to prevent the explosion from harming anyone else. Ed's co-worker Douglas is also arrested for distributing the pills that caused Ed to lose his mind.
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