Action Comics Weekly #607
Title: "Guilty"
Pages: 8
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan Post-Crisis)
Writer: James C. Owsley
Artist: Tod Smith
Letterer: Albert Tobias De Guzman
Colorist: Anthony Tollin
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Guest Appearance(s)
Other Character(s)
- Mr. Marx (Oprah's producer; no further appearances)
- Residents of an unidentified country (no further appearances)
Hal Jordan decides to fly around the world and think about his problems. He stops in a middle eastern country where a riot is taking place. He decides not to involve himself, since he believes it will only make the situation worse. When a woman carrying a baby is nearly trampled, Green Lantern uses his ring to save her. However, he is feared by both sides of the riot and the woman, who calls him a murderer.
Hal returns to America with the decision that he needs to get better with public relations. At Arisia's suggestion, Hal books an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show.
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