Action Comics Weekly #609
Title: "Red Pencil"
Pages: 8
Wild Dog
Writer: Max Allan Collins
Penciller: Terry Beatty
Inker: John Nyberg
Letterer: Gaspar Saladino
Colorist: Michele Wolfman
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Helen Scournt (last appearance in Action Comics Weekly #608; no further appearances)
- Ted (Helen's son; dies in this story; no further appearances)
- Several art gallery patrons (no further appearances)
Moral Stand Chapter Nine
This story is continued from Action Comics Weekly #608.
Wild Dog overpowers the man guarding him. He then defeats the gang of mercenaries working for the Legion of Morality. He kills most of them, then the lieutenant he captures tells him where the bombs have been planted. Wild Dog contacts Flint who is able to disarm the bombs at the art gallery before they explode. The leader of the Legion, B. Lyle Layman, was an alibi for his whereabouts during the attacks, Helen Scournt. However, Helen's son was among those killed during the attack, so although the police can't touch Layman, she can.
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