Action Comics Weekly #611
Title: "Will the Real Devil Please Stand Up?"
Pages: 8
Deadman (Post-Crisis)
Writer: Mike Baron
Penciller: Dan Jurgens
Inker: Tony DeZuniga
Letterer: Steve Haynie
Colorist: Liz Berube
Feature Character(s)
Other Character(s)
This story is continued from Action Comics Weekly #610 and continues in Action Comics Weekly #612.
Deadman and Major Kasaba are confronted by the entity claiming to be D.B. Cooper. He now claims that he is the devil. The entity separates Yakin from Stan Kriptman's body. Kriptman wants to arrest the entity, but instead he suffers a heart attack. After Kriptman receives medical aid, a report of an approaching space craft, which contains the CIA operative that was taken into space from the Mayan temple, interrupts the scene.
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