Detective Comics #58
Detective Comics #58
Cover Credits
Artist: Jerry Robinson

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Title: (One of the Most Perfect Frame-Ups)
Pages: 13

Batman (of Earth-2)

Writer: Bill Finger
Penciller: Bob Kane
Inker: Jerry Robinson

Reprinted In:
Batman Archives Vol. 2 HC (1991)
Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told Vol. 2 TPB (1992)
Batman Chronicles Vol. 5 TPB (2008)
Batman:The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 2 HC (2016)
Batman:The Golden Age Vol. 3 TPB (2017)
Batman Arkham:Penguin TPB (2018)
Detective Comics (Facsimile Edition) #58 (2023)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


This story was not originally titled.

Several robberies occur in Gotham. Batman and Robin try to catch the thieves, learning that a squat little man called the Penguin is the ringleader. Penguin however frames Batman for stealing a jade idol, because Penguin is the real owner. The police arrest Batman for the crime; then Penguin breaks out the Caped Crusader to make him look guilty. Batman summons Robin and together they break-up Penguin’s gang and exonerate themselves. Penguin, however, escapes.

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