Sandman:Preludes and Nocturnes TPB
Sandman:Preludes and Nocturnes TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Dave McKean

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Title: "24 Hours"
Pages: 24

Sandman (Morpheus)

Writer: Neil Gaiman
Penciller: Mike Dringenberg
Inker: Malcolm Jones III
Letterer: Todd Klein
Colorist: Robbie Busch

Reprinted From:
Sandman #6 (1989)

Feature Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • Bette Munroe (a waitress; dies in this story; no further appearances)
  • Judy (a young lesbian; dies in this story; no further appearances)
  • Mark (a young businessman; dies in this story; no further appearances)
  • Kate and Garry Fletcher (a married couple; both die in this story; no further appearances)
  • Marsh (a trucker; dies in this story; no further appearances)
  • Rose (last name not given in this story; behind-the-scenes; on the telephone; first appearance; next appearance in Sandman #10)
  • Mrs. Cavanagh (the mother of Judy's girlfriend Donna; behind-the-scenes; on the telephone; no further appearances)
  • A children's show host (on television; no further appearances)
  • Mary Gentian (a tv news reporter; no further appearances)
  • Herschel (a small-time super-hero; no further appearances)

This story is continued from Sandman #5 and continues in Sandman #7.

Doctor Destiny sits in a 24-hour diner. Using the power of the ruby in his possession, he exerts a subtle influence on six people inside. This influence prevents them from leaving. Over several hours, he exerts greater control over them causing them to act out his whims. He has them torture and eventually kill one another.

Meanwhile, in the world outside the diner, reports of accidents caused by people falling asleep are reported. Instances of insanity rise as do suicide and murder rates.

After killing his immediate victims, Doctor Destiny waits in the diner until Morpheus arrives.

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