Action Comics Weekly #635
Title: "The End"
Pages: 8
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan Post-Crisis)
Writer: James C. Owsley
Plotter/Penciller: Mark D. Bright
Inker: Romeo Tanghal
Letterer: Albert Tobias De Guzman
Colorist: Julianna Ferriter
Colorist: Amory Williams
Feature Character(s)
This story is continued from Action Comics Weekly #634.
Hal begins using Malvolio's power ring as of this story. It has been speculated that this ring was responsible for Hal's transformation into Parallax.
Green Lantern's power ring has been destroyed by Lord Malvolio. Hal searches the damaged yellow satellite and finds an armory filled with weapons. He tries to use one against his opponent, but he only succeeds in blowing a hole in the satellite's hull. Malvolio closes the hole, then resumes the hunt for Hal. When they find one another, Hal constructs a makeshift bow and arrow and shoots Malvolio in the chest. The Lord of the Green Flame is dead, so Hal takes his ring and returns to Earth.
Once Green Lantern departs, Malvolio rises. He still lives. He claims that the encounter went as planned, and that the satellite was only an illusion. He plans to use Hal and his new ring at some time in the future in his war against the priest.
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